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By Ms. Vera Khoury
The children are enjoying every moment at school and every day is very busy, packed with different types of activities that extend their learning. They continue to learn about our classroom and how to use all the creative materials to help them learn best and be safe. Circle time (or large group) is a favorite part of the day and the children participate enthusiastically in musical activities, singing, listening and responding to stories and in group discussion.
During this week our unit of inquiry has focused on the food we like and dislike, making healthy choices and how food is important for us every day. The children are now demonstrating a deeper understanding of the concepts involved.
Children really enjoy “centre” time. This way of learning provides them opportunities to become more independent and to take some responsibility for organising their own learning and to demonstrate the application of their learning through problem-solving.
By Mr. Benjamin Burgess
Grade 4 have been focusing on talents, skills and qualities this week as part of our 'The Best I Can Be' unit of inquiry. The children debated the question 'If all skills can be learned, what makes some people better at things than others?' and discussed the virtues of practice, hard work and determination.
There is a great deal of excitement in class as the week draws to a close because we begin next week with our Grade 4 talent showcase. This promises to be a real treat for the class with musical performances, multimedia presentations and live demonstrations of skills and talents all prepared by the children!
It is clear that we have a lot of highly skilled and talented children at SISQ and I look forward to seeing what else we can achieve as the year progresses!
By Ms. Laeticia D'Oultremont and Mr. Adam Bernard
In Art, during September, class 6B have been studying a unit focused on their identity. They have been exploring the concept of identity through the genre of self-portraits. They have explored a selection of works on this theme from the history of art and have been seeking an answer to the questions how and why we represent ourselves. Through an observation drawing module, students have concentrated on different parts of the human body, such as the hands and eyes. Throughout October, we will explore portrait paintings and then photography to learn how to compose and stage a photograph. Finally, students will produce their own self-portraits.
The artists in grades 7 and 8 have settled into their new art studio and have started their unit of inquiry which explores the concept of identity. The title of the unit is ‘My Place on Earth’ and the students are using their Art process journals to plan, experiment and form creative ideas which will lead to a final artwork which will reveal something of their identity through the art of typography.