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By Ms. Michelle Hayes
As you know the essence of the IB is the inquiry-based approach to learning. Already, the children in KG1-B Oryx class are deeply involved and taking ownership of their learning which is linked to the ‘All About Me’ Unit of Inquiry.
The inquiry capitalises upon the immense curiosity of the children in Oryx class who have begun to formulate questions, investigate widely, make connections with previous understanding and build new understanding about their bodies including the way in which they work and how they are made.
One of the young learners in Oryx class recently declared “I noticed these funny lines on my hands” to which his classmate immediately responded “They are your bones of course !” to which another classmate added “What? I thought they were big veins”. This all prompted a great deal of wondering, questioning and exploring of the skeleton bones by all the children in Oryx class. The students are not only making superb connections between previous and current learning but looking constantly for more creative ways in which to demonstrate what they know.
Research evidences that the inquiry-based approach to learning enables students to become more creative, positive and independent and this is certainly something that can be seen in Oryx class!
By Ms. Nicola Crossfield
The students in grade 2 have been busy with their first inquiry unit, Who We Are. They have been inquiring into the body and healthy habits. In order to meaningfully discuss how to be balanced and lead a healthy lifestyle we first needed to gain a deeper understanding of how the body functions.
Students worked in expert groups that were created based on their interests and the questions they had about the different body parts and/or systems. They supported each other while researching and finding information. They shared the information by writing a paragraph and drawing diagrams. As experts, they were then expected to present their learning to their friends from other groups.
Throughout this inquiry process the students demonstrated enthusiasm for their own learning, showed curiosity with their numerous questions and developed their research skills. They were confident and knowledgeable when communicating with each other and sharing their learning. The students are off to a great start and it is exciting to think of the other inquiries they will be engaged in this year.
By Ms. Janet Bouwmeester
In Music the unit that we are studying this term is “I am the Artist”. Students are studying musical elements in order to be able to create and write their own music. We are developing both instrumental and vocal skills as we learn. We are viewing and hearing varied performances of different styles and genres to develop our ability to understand the contexts of music that we hear.
So far the students have been able to learn various rhythm patterns and hopefully this will be the beginning of the pathway to musical literacy and being able to accuracy write down ones own compositions. The students have started experimenting with patterns using percussion instruments, mainly drums. They are able to experiment in small groups and develop ideas before presenting to the whole class.
We have also started to look at the orchestra with the instruments that are traditionally played. We have listened to “Vltava”, by Bedrich Smetana. Students were asked to identify instruments and also give a personal response to questions about the mood, the tempo and the overall picture that the music paints.
The range of musical experience of the students is very diverse, so the students are extending their collaborative and communicative skills in order to work efficiently and effectively together. The learner profile is an essential ingredient for success!